Our colors say a lot about who we are. They help identify us at a glance, and set the tone for our communications, from bold and powerful, to inspirational and passionate.
Primary Palette
Instantly recognizable as West Virginia University, our core colors should dominate all communications, including publication covers, website pages, billboards, digital and print advertisements, formal invitations, and recruitment materials.
PMS 124 C
CMYK 0, 30, 100, 5
RGB 234, 170, 0
PMS 295 C
CMYK 100, 69, 8, 54
RGB 0, 40, 85
WEB #002855
Neutral Palette
Our neutral palette is a perfect complement to our primary colors, and can also appear separate from the primary palette in specific instances, including non-recruitment materials, internal communications, interior pages of University publications (including brochures and magazines).
CMYK 2, 2, 2, 0
RGB 247, 247, 247
Warm Gray Light
CMYK 9, 11, 13, 20
RGB 189, 183, 179
Warm Gray Dark
CMYK 16, 23, 23, 44
RGB 82, 72, 66
WEB #554741
Warm Gray Medium
CMYK 9, 11, 13, 20
RGB 133, 123, 120
WEB #988E8B
CMYK 5, 7, 26, 0
RGB 239, 229, 198
CMYK 29, 27, 66, 1
RGB 185, 172, 119
Accent Palette
Our secondary palette adds balance and flexibility to our communications, while keeping the brand fresh for internal audiences. They are generally intended to accent our primary palette, and should only appear separate from WVU’s gold and blue in particular communications, such as non-recruitment materials, interior pages of publications, internal communications, and back pages or content below the fold on websites.
Blue Dark
CMYK 65, 43, 26, 78
RGB 31, 43, 56
WEB #1C2B39
Blue Light
CMYK 36, 0, 9, 0
RGB 170, 216, 228
CMYK 99, 50, 0, 0
RGB 0, 112, 182
WEB #0062A3
CMYK 0, 6, 87, 0
RGB 255, 231, 94
Old Gold
CMYK 35, 41, 100, 8.5
RGB 159, 136, 63
WEB #7F6310
CMYK 0, 52.5, 47, 0
RGB 232, 151, 129
WEB #F58672
A Note on Web Colors
You may notice a slight difference between the CMYK/RGB and web (hexidecimal) colors. These colors differ due to web accessibility guidelines. You can see accessible color combinations on the WVU Design System’s Color Utilities page.
Color Proportion
To consistently achieve the right balance of color throughout our communications, refer to the color wheel for proper proportions. It’s not a precise mathematical system, but this chart should provide an idea of relative use.
Our gradient palette can add depth or variety to our communications.