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Photography adds a human element to the Mountaineer brand, and although our words are powerful, it provides proof that words can only claim. For this reason, photography should be carefully selected to match our messaging, and it should always feel authentically WVU.

Photography Style

In the Moment

WVU students are active and intentional, and our photography should be too. Portray students in their natural environments as they live out the spirit of going first.

For greater impact, crop your photos to highlight the subject you want your audience to focus on.

Student-Faculty/Student-Student Interaction 

Students and faculty aren’t bound by textbooks. Show them getting hands on with their work through collaboration and engagement. Capture confident, genuine expressions, keeping in mind that students and faculty should not appear posed, and balance our liberal arts curriculum with the “work hard, play hard” attitude of WVU. 

When taking a photograph of a group, select an individual for your audience to focus on. 

Sense of Place 

Depict the natural atmosphere of our community by focusing on wide open spaces and people interacting with their environment, specifically amongst the scenic areas on campus. 


Capture architectural and environmental details unique to WVU, and document details of students and faculty with their respective tools, supplies and equipment. 

Map of WV showing Morgantown, Keyser, and Beckley locations

Our Locations