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Guidelines/Tips for Operations in a Crisis


• Establish a Media Center for information sharing and dissemination for both local and national media so that all outlets get the same message and coordinate with lead public information officers from other agencies — city, county, state, federal — involved in the emergency response.

• Establish appropriate media access procedures, credentialing, ground rules for news conferences, briefings and interviews.

When necessary, establish daily briefings — morning, afternoon, evening or when need arises — to give periodic updates and confirm information about the incident, cause, rescue work, investigation, casualties/injuries, etc.

• Designate official spokesperson/spokespersons, experts and/or specialists. The Strategic Communications and Marketing, Office of Communications approves news releases, official statements and other media information by heads of affected departments/agencies.

• Balance information needs with security and confidential information so as not to compromise operations, and explain why certain information cannot be released.

Work with various news outlets on requests for interviews; also determine pool camera, if necessary, and reporters allowed at scene, obtaining clearances from appropriate law enforcement or public safety groups.

• Update the 1-855-WVU-NEWS information line.

• Make arrangements for information to be on public access cable television channels.

• Memorial services, safety reassurance campaigns, injury updates, counseling services, and natural follow-up stories are just a few of the areas where communications will play a key role.


• Anticipate tough questions before briefings and/or interviews. Think through responses and stick with what you know. Don’t try to answer questions outside your area of expertise.

• Don’t be reluctant to say, “I don’t know” or “I’ll have to find out and get back to you.”

• Go over sensitive issues with all official spokespersons. Make a note sheet of info.

• Ensure that news conference/interview areas are appropriate. Use backdrop, podium with microphone, etc.

Consider dress for interviews/press conferences. Wear required safety and regulatory equipment, when necessary.

• WVU and other officials should avoid on-the-spot interviews. Instead, refer reporters to Strategic Communications and Marketing, Office of Communications personnel who will coordinate.

• Maintain a calm appearance and demeanor. The public needs assurances any incident is under control.

• Open with a strong convincing statement and set the tone with your message, then take a few questions or announce that this is a statement only and questions will not be taken at the time.

• Never assume phones, cameras or microphones are off and not recording.

• Be aware of body language and facial expressions.

• Be clear and concise. Avoid jargon or technical language. Be factual, never confrontational or argumentative.

Remember, crisis communication doesn’t end after the victims have been transported to the hospital and emergency responders leave the scene. Sustaining effective communications with various constituencies — students, parents, community, media — is crucial in recovery and restoration stages days and weeks after the actual event.

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