Abbreviations and Acronyms
- The University’s Name
- WVU System Campus Names
- College, School, Office, Department and Program Names
- Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Degrees
- Academic and Professional Titles
- Building Names
- Style and Punctuation
- Common Words and Expressions
Do not use abbreviations such as CAC, CEMR, EPSCOR, HSC or NRCCE and acronyms such as TRIO when writing for an audience that may be unfamiliar with them. In any context, always write out the full name in the first reference, then abbreviate. Whether you write these names out in full or abbreviate them, always note their affiliation with WVU.
Example: We are scheduling our next theater performance at the WVU Canady Creative Arts Center. Everyone loves the facilities in the CAC.
A few common WVU abbreviations/acronyms:
- B&E: College of Business and Economics
- BOG: Board of Governors
- CAC: Canady Creative Arts Center
- CBC: Center for Black Culture
- CCAM: College of Creative Arts and Media
- EPSCoR: Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
- ERC: Evansdale Residential Complex
- HSC: Health Sciences Center
- ITS: Information Technology Services
- LLC: Living-Learning Community
- MIX: Mountaineer Information Xpress
- NETL: National Energy Technology Laboratory
- NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- NRCCE: National Research Center for Coal and Energy
- NSO: New Student Orientation
- PRT: Personal Rapid Transit
- RRI: Regional Research Institute
- SGA: Student Government Association
- TRIO: not an acronym. Originally made of three programs, TRIO helps first-generation and low-income students, and those with disabilities.