College, School, Office, Department and Program Names
- The University’s Name
- WVU System Campus Names
- College, School, Office, Department and Program Names
- Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Degrees
- Academic and Professional Titles
- Building Names
- Style and Punctuation
- Common Words and Expressions
Include “West Virginia University” or “WVU” with the name of the unit. Note that “West Virginia University” may precede or follow the unit’s name, but the “WVU” abbreviation always precedes the unit’s name. Subsequent references to the unit within the same document or context may omit the “West Virginia University” or “WVU.”
West Virginia University College of Law
WVU College of Law
West Virginia University Extension
WVU Extension
Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, West Virginia University
WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
Health Sciences Center, West Virginia University
WVU Health Sciences Center
Do not use possessives when writing these names, such as “WVU’s College of Law.” Instead, write “the WVU College of Law.” Names of colleges, schools, offices, departments and programs are capitalized when they refer to specific WVU units. Schools and colleges should use their Board of Governors-approved full name for the first reference.
Department of History
School of Nursing
Office of Graduate Education
Unless they are proper names, such names are not capitalized when used generically in reference to disciplines and fields of study.
Mike is an accounting major in the WVU John Chambers College of Business and Economics.
Lisa is studying English and computer science at WVU Potomac State College.
Morgantown Schools and Colleges:
Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
College of Applied Human Sciences
College of Creative Arts and Media
College of Law
Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
Honors College
John Chambers College of Business and Economics
School of Dentistry
School of Medicine
School of Nursing
School of Pharmacy
School of Public Health